Summer Zhineng Qigong Retreat

Whaley Hall Reservoir Rd, Whaley Bridge, United Kingdom

Unlike workshops, retreats are not focussed on learning a new skill, they're about relaxing the body, calming the mind and creating the space for personal growth. We will take time during the 5 days of practice to develop understanding of the underlying principles of the Zhineng Qigong system to help you get the most out...

£199.00 – £399.00

Qigong Teachers Weekend

Whaley Hall Reservoir Rd, Whaley Bridge, United Kingdom

With a firm focus on teaching qigong, this weekend of practice and conversation explores the transition from qigong as a personal practice to sharing the practice with others. Using simplified forms that can be quickly learned and are relevant to multiple schools of qigong, we will explore how qigong is taught traditionally and how it...

£199.00 – £249.00